The Supreme Court has finally given its verdict on the Ayodhya issue after ages The issue of Babri Masjid and Ram Mandir had been ongoing for ages In 2010, the High Court had pronounced its verdict by saying that the land should be divided into three parts, but no one agreed This case then went to the Supreme Court which has given its judgment almost 10 years later that both the Mandir and the Masjid will be constructed The disputed area of 2.77 acres The Supreme Court said a Mandir should be constructed there The Supreme Court has handed over this land to the central government can appoint a trust which will then look into the construction of the Mandir The supreme court also said that the Sunni Waqf board should be provided a 5-acre land somewhere by the central government for the Masjid They can then construct a Masjid there This was to satisfy both the parties and allow them to construct both a Mandir and a Masjid A Mandir is to be constructed at the disputed site ...
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